Thursday, November 19, 2015

Art Visit #2

Questions about the exhibit:

1. What is the title of the exhibit?Burchfield Penney Art Center

2. What is the theme of the exhibition?The theme of the exhibition was it was all about the area of Buffalo and I would say more historical.Questions about the physical space:

1. What type of lighting is used?Throughout the gallery the lighting changed a bit in each area, it was mostly a darker lighting throughout besides one area where it was natural sun light which I thought was amazing for the pieces of art that were in the area.

2. What colors are used on the walls?The walls were white throughout the gallery.

3. What materials are used in the interior artchitecture of the space?I believe the materials were pretty basic for the space, they didn't have anything crazy in the space besides the unique artwork

4. How is the movement of the viewer through the gallery space?The movement throughout the area was easy and had a good flow, the more unique pieces were in one spot and then the water color was in a different part of the gallery.

Questions about the artwork:

1. How are the artworks organized?They are organized in a very nice way, they have a bunch of pieces of Buffalo right when you walk in and then throughout they have water colors and and they also have a lot of very unique sculptures 

2. How are the artrworks similar?They all relate to buffalo in a different way

3. How are the artworks different?They may all be related to Buffalo in a way but they are all unquie and have a different message.

4. How are the artworks framed?Some of them are framed and some are not, some of just on the wall and then other pieces are in glass boxes, and some are just free standing.

5. How are the artworks identified and labeled?They have labels near them but some of them had them in a way that you may not know what piece they belong to.

6. What is the proximity of the artwork to each other?They are all spread out very well, none of them were on top of the other. 

"Through these Gates John E Brent"
This piece of work is what you see when you first see when you work into the gallery, it has such a warm inviting feeling when you first see it. I am unsure who created this piece since I can not find it on the site and I didn't see a label for it near the piece. Who ever created this piece clearly had a vision of trying to invite people into there world. Space would be an element that was used to create this piece since it is a larger piece of art.

Helen Bishop-Santelli , Finding Self, 2013; cast glass, 8 x 12 x 17 inches; Courtesy of the Artist
This piece of art work really caught my eye, I believe the name of the piece was a huge part, "Finding Self" that made me look at the art work in a different way. Shape would be an element that was used with the shape of the person along with the objects that are around the person and even the object they are sitting on. 

John Edmonston Brent (1889-1962), Michigan Avenue Branch Y.M.C.A., Buffalo, N.Y., 11-1-1926; graphite and transparent watercolor wash on paper, 12 7/8 x 22 /16 inches; Lent by Descendants of John E. Brent
This piece of art is a unique piece and its an old piece,  I like that they used very little color in this drawing. It gives the image an older look which I think that's how it should be since its from the 1900's. Images like this isn't something you can find anywhere else since its a building in Buffalo, NY.

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