Monday, September 28, 2015

Making Art!

1. Discuss what you thought about creating the Value Scale and Color Wheel.
I thought that creating them was very cool, Ive created one before but not with paint. I also think if I had used a better paint it would have turned out much better on the paper.
2. Which media did you enjoy working with the best and why?
I really enjoyed the color wheel youtube video, I liked how it showed you the different colors for primary and then how it was created and mixed onto the paper
3. What was the most important discovery in the creation of these studies?
With the Value Scale, that was interesting and a bit of a challenge since it decreases in a light way.
4. What is the most important information you learned from watching the videos for this project? What is your opinion of the videos?
I enjoyed both of the videos and thought they were very informative on how to create both a Value Scale and Color wheel, I really enjoyed the color wheel the best and thought it was good to see how it was created and it also gave good details on the colors used.

Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Slideshow of elements

<iframe width="480" height="360" src=""></iframe>

For each of these photos, I feel like I took a different approach. I really enjoy taking pictures of the outdoors and using different angels for pictures, it brings about a cool effect to the pictures and helps people to see them at a different way. I also like to use different effects on pictures, so that people can look at them in a different light then what they are actually taken as. I really enjoyed taking these pictures, some are from around my house and others are from the outdoors by the water, which I love water and love taking pictures of the water and things around the water.

Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Color of Life

  1. Color is more than just a simply word, it can describe so much about life, an individuals life. People can look at a painting with so much color and completely look at in a different way than just a bunch of color on a piece of paper. Enlightenment helps people to better understand art and the color brought into a painting.
  2. I really like how people look at color a simple word which most people use to describe a painting, that can be so much more than that. Color is emotion to a piece of art, it means a lot to someone who is creating this piece of art. Its fascinating to me how they go into such detail, with the history of little things to make it more understandable as to why color is such a huge thing.
  3. In the color video, I really liked that June Redfern went back to where she has created some pieces and she really analyzes the colors of things and interrupts them in her own way. I enjoyed that a lot and I like the way she does he paintings. She really gets into her paintings and will get upset about things when they dont go right.
  4. In the feelings video, like I said before they go into detail about the history about enlightenment and other words that help to understand color and the emotions of it. I liked that a lot.  

Friday, September 18, 2015

Understanding of works of art

1. For the YouTube video, the key concept is understand how the brain connects in some way to the creation of art. An individuals brain works in a way that helps people to come up with ideas for a painting. Each part of a persons brain is working in all different ways when they see a piece of art. In the CNN article is discuss similar things to the YouTube video, but it more talking about lines and faces, when we look around our surrounds we could see a wall, which has lines but if someone were to draw out the lines our brain would recognize both with or without the lines.
2.  I think that Plato makes great points to aesthetics, he looks at art in such a different way then I feel any other artist, he stated that artist copies an original idea, therefore when an artist has an idea and then expresses it via art, its a copy of the original copy. What I took from that, is that when you get an and then turn that into art its a copy of your own thoughts. I really like his way of thinking and think he does amazing work with his pieces of work.
3. I think that they both have very good views and points to their reasoning of how art pertains to science. Changuex believes thats genetics play a role in the evolutionary origins of art, he gave good detail as to how the human brain develops. Ramachandan is talking more about how art and science work together to evolve in the human brain. He made some good comments about how he looks at art and he almost picks it apart to show how amazing a piece of art can really be.
4. These videos and articles relate to the reading as they just go into more detail about aesthetics, along with the concept of how the brain relates to art and how the brain interrupts things.
5. I think that both the article and the videos help better to understand art not just from the artist point of view, but it helps me to see how the brain works to understand the art that is around us all the time.

Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Ice Breaker

  1. I have actually used blogger before, at the college I transferred from for one of my online classes. I think this is a really nice tool to use when doing any online class and its super easy to set up and use.
  2. I expect to learn new things about art that I may not know, or refresh my memory on things I have learned in the past. I have not taken an art class since high school.
  3. I love online classes, I took a full year of school online and enjoyed it very much. I hope I have the same experience this semester.