Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Color of Life

  1. Color is more than just a simply word, it can describe so much about life, an individuals life. People can look at a painting with so much color and completely look at in a different way than just a bunch of color on a piece of paper. Enlightenment helps people to better understand art and the color brought into a painting.
  2. I really like how people look at color a simple word which most people use to describe a painting, that can be so much more than that. Color is emotion to a piece of art, it means a lot to someone who is creating this piece of art. Its fascinating to me how they go into such detail, with the history of little things to make it more understandable as to why color is such a huge thing.
  3. In the color video, I really liked that June Redfern went back to where she has created some pieces and she really analyzes the colors of things and interrupts them in her own way. I enjoyed that a lot and I like the way she does he paintings. She really gets into her paintings and will get upset about things when they dont go right.
  4. In the feelings video, like I said before they go into detail about the history about enlightenment and other words that help to understand color and the emotions of it. I liked that a lot.  

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