Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Project 5

1. Use the vocabulary you have learned in class to describe this artwork or performance in detail.
This piece of art, there are lots of shapes which is a huge element when creating a piece of art. It has a neutral color pattern, black and white which makes you focus more on the shapes and figures in the piece of art.
2. What processes were used to create this work? What social influences might the artist be responding to and why?
From the research I did on this oil painting, this was a piece showing the large mural shows the suffering of people, animals, and buildings wrenched by violence and chaos, this was in response to the bombing in Guernica, Spain and also helped during the Spanish civil war.
3. What is the relationship of this work to the time and society in which it was created? Describe the symbols used to express this relationship.
I think that in this piece of art, the fact that there are people and animals along with buildings just scattered all over the the place really gives you a feel of chaos in this time period.
4. Identify elements in the work that evoke a persuasive or emotional response. Be specific about what those responses are and why.
The elements of shape are really showing the more emotion with the different shapes of the figures in this piece, the shapes of the people and the animals aren't shaped like a normal animal or person they have a different more distressed look to them.
5. Evaluate what you perceive to be the strengths and weaknesses of the work.  Apply discipline specific vocabulary and concepts when describing your point of view.
This is a very different piece of work since everything is so scattered throughout the piece of work. I could see a weakness of this piece being that it is too busy for some people or they may think something else of this piece of art. Strengths of this piece of art is that it has a strong message for the time period and I think that is what makes the piece so unique and amazing.

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