Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Art Gallery

Winter, East Liverpool: Charles Burchfield, 1927 
Flying Fish (1948) painting by Marc Chagall Oil Canvas
Fernand Legar, Le Siphon 1924 Oil Canvas
 Music and Literature by William Harnett 1878 Oil on Canvas
L’Ambitieuse (The Political Woman, 1883-1885), by James Tissot. Oil on canvas
Frederick Childe Hassam Church at Old Lyme, 1905, oil on canvas

A.) Which artworks make an impact or impression on me? Why?
Winter by Charles Burchfield and Church at Old Lyme by Frederick Childe Hassam both of this I feel impacted me the most because they both stood out to me because I love old vintage houses and winter is one of my favorite season so both of these were something that I enjoy seeing and looking at. Church at Old Lyme has always been a favorite of mine.
B.) Which artworks do I feel a connection with? Why?
L'Ambitieuse and Music and Literature, I feel I made a connection with these two in a small ways, that in L'Ambitieuse its a female looking away from the people around here which I feel women do at times to escape life they remove themselves from situations. Music and Literature the way that the picture is laid out its almost like there are books everywhere along with music and thats what my life is currently all about right
C.) Which artworks would I like to know more about? Why?
Le Siphon and Flying Fish both of these pieces are very interesting to me and unique id like to know where they came up with the idea and any reasons by why they created the way they did.


  1. The way that you interpreted the images you used really stood out to me the most. When looking at the images you used I got a different feel from them but from reading what you wrote about them made me realize that there are different ways on interpreting works of art and everyone has their own view on it.

  2. I like the pictures you shared. I like how you chose Winter because I don't remember seeing this picture but agree what you wrote about it. I also enjoy winter but not the winter we have been expereincing. I also think vintage houses are beautiful as well. Good job & Thanks for sharing these pictures!
