Saturday, October 17, 2015

Video Review M7

1. For each video list/discuss the key concepts you learned.
Architecture: The Science of Design; this video talks about the design of large buildings in bigger towns, this program focuses on the scientific component. 
Frank Gehry: Architecture of art: this program captures the essence of Frank Gehry and his iconoclastic creations through the celebrated architect’s own words; the insights of Cesar Pelli, Richard Serra, Hiro Yamagata, and Rafael Moneo; and a broad sampling of Gehry’s many structures.
2. How do the videos relate to the readings in the text?
Both of these videos relate to the reading in a way that in the reading they discuss architecture but in the videos they just talk about it in a more detailed way and give better examples.
3. What is your opinion of the films? How do they add depth to understanding of Architecture?
I think both the videos were very informative in a way that they explain things in a different way. They use good examples such as the way they talk about the skyscrapers and the big building in big cities. I really liked the video about Frank Gehry, the architecture because it have more insight on how he works and the things hes done.
4. Why did you choose the films that you watched?
I watched the beginning of all the videos and the two that I picked were the most interesting to me and talked about a lot of things that were in the textbook that were very unique things to learn.

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