Saturday, October 3, 2015

Self Logo

1. Discuss what you thought about creating your logo.
When I was thinking of things that represented myself, a million things came to mind; things I do everyday, things I love, I could go on and on but really there is only a very view things that make represent me and really complete me as a whole my family and my animals. Those are two very important things to me.
2. Describe the process: creative thinking skills and ideas you used in the logo creation.
I've always loved drawing bubble letters, I used to draw them in high school on everything. So I knew I wanted to use those in my logo in someway. Which I love bubble letters too! The dog print that I used I really just wanted to use a basic representation of a dog and that was simple enough for me.
3. What was the most important discovery you made in the creation of your logo?
I learned that im not a terrible drawer, and I actually enjoyed it a lot it didn't take me very long but I liked do it alot.
4. What is the most important information you learned from watching the videos, powerpoint, and reading material  for this project? What is your opinion of the videos?
I enjoyed reading the PDF documents probably because it had so many examples of different fonts that could be used, which I love fonts and changing them. The videos were interesting that they show how they go through the process of creating logos for different companies and that they create a bunch of options for the client.

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