Saturday, October 10, 2015

Peer Review

1. Hyperlink the Blogs you reviewed into your Blog
First Peer View
Second Peer View
2. When looking at Project #1: (Elements and Principles), did you agree with the element or principle the artist listed with the images? Did you see other elements and principles in the images?
Looking at both peer blogs they had amazing pictures and the elements or principles they picked were all correct. I had an issue with seeing the elements they choice but after looking at the pictures I saw them.
3. When looking at Project #2: Where there any images in the Peer Blogs the same as your own? If yes, what were they? Where the reasons the image was selected the same or different as your own?
In both peer blogs, neither had the same pictures as me. Which I really enjoyed because in one of the blogs she used a bunch of sculptures that were amazing and wish I had seen when I went to the art gallery. 
4. Where there any images that your Peers selected that pique your interest now? If yes, what are they and what is your connection with them? What would you want to know about them?
Like I had said in the previous question, in one of the blogs I had reviewed she had taken pictures of a lot of sculptures and they had so much character and were amazing, Id love to know  how the artist came up with those ideas and concepts.
5. What do you think about  the process of reading your peers reflection? Do you find this to be a valuable in your learning?
Yes I think this is very valuable in learning, especially in an online class. This gives us a chance to interact with each other and then you can view other peoples works on the projects we have been working on.
6. Check your Blog and read comments posted by your Peers. Do you find their comments helpful?
I did not receive any comments on my posts

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