Friday, October 30, 2015

Module 8 video review

1. Explain why you selected the video you choose from the selection listed above.
I enjoy the greek art and the fact that it was talking about human art in this time period was interesting to me
2. For each video list/discuss the key concepts you learned.
The more than human video talks about how the pieces of art that are created aren't realistic to the human body..its more of an imaginary world of human bodies.
In the Greek Art and Human Figures they talk about the cultural transformations that began in the 5th century BC as Greek art discarded religious functions and moved toward human-centered concerns
3. How do the videos relate to the readings in the text?
Both of these videos relate back to the as they are talking about human figures and how the art work of the human body has evolved and is still a bit of a disillusion in the world now. 
4. What is your opinion of the films? How do they add depth to understanding of the readings and art concepts?
 The more than human video was very interesting to me, the way that they talked about how the images we see now a days are not realistic to what humans actually look like.
The Greek art and Human figures is very more in depth about how the human figures were being more developed and how it changed throughout the years and generations.
The second video I liked how they talked about the sculptures about women who were pregnant or how they made sculptures of women who had already given birth that was very interesting to me

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